Home Dope Lyrics

Chris Darrow

Here's a little story 'bout
Cocaine Lil
She lives in a house
Up on a cocaine hill
She had a cocaine dog
And a cocaine cat
That fought all night
With a cocaine rat

She had cocaine hair
On her cocaine head
She had a cocaine dress
That was poppy red
But the cocaine blues
They made her feel sad
The cocaine blues
They made her feel bad

Well along in the mornin'
'Bout half past three
They were all lit up
Like a Christmas tree
And they went home
And started for bed
Took another sniff
And knocked her dead

So they laid her out
In her cocaine clothes
She wore a silver hat
With a crimson rose
And they wrote on her tombstone
This refrain
"She died as she lived
Sniffin' cocaine"

Album: "Artist Proof"
bellaphon fantasy BLPS 19102 / (1978)


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